Corporate culture determines the overall development direction of a company, determines what kind of products or services it wants to deliver to the public, and is what shapes the company's identity.
At Yadan Steel Furniture, our core culture is to produce green furniture without environmental hazards, let the world's people enjoy a better life, and make them regard a more sustainable lifestyle as a fashion.
In terms of brand establishment, we have also planned our own blueprint, and we are determined to become an international brand step by step. We have come here successfully, and will continue to do so.
Our core values are things we hold dear and what differentiate us from our competitors. They include many aspects, but in summary it is about providing customers with the most useful values in both tangible and intangible forms. We strive to go above and beyond in everything we do, from designing our products to providing exceptional customer service. We believe that by upholding these values, we can continue to grow and succeed as a company while building a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner for our customers.